Make WordPress instantly safer with Plesk

Make WordPress instantly safer with Plesk

How to make Plesk WordPress instantly more secure For our hosting customers, we do a lot to make WordPress websites safer: We automatically block bots and visitors from IP addresses that display suspicious activity. Hits with malicious query strings are blocked by the...

Reading tips of the week: 12/01/17

Reading tips of the week about content and digital strategy Amazon patents video discount, Link tips from the lawyer, SEO metrics and the ‘Content Shock’ Amazon Patents Discounts Against Consumption of Advertising Videos Amazon has patented a feature that...
Reading tips of the week 03.11.17

Reading tips of the week 03.11.17

Every day I discover some very interesting news on the web, and I think: Why should I not share these findings with readers of the Lots of Ways blog and thus also the e-mail newsletter? Facebook Groups: The Glimmer of Hope for Organic Reach? In the past, before social...