Digital Strategy Projects
for Coca-Cola
in Germany
Strategy definition
based on
many years of

In Germany, Coca-Cola offers more than 70 products from all the segments of non-alcoholic, refreshing drinks.
Bernhard Jodeleit, founder and owner of LOTS OF WAYS, supports the development of digital communication strategies by the Coca-Cola Germany communication team.
The results of several client projects have been awarded with branch prizes in the fields of Public Relations (Digital Communication Awards, PR Report Awards).
More details on the Coca-Cola social media and digital strategy are available in an interview on our agency blog. You will learn how Coca-Cola has been dealing with online discussions, how the company has conducted its online dialog, built a monitoring system and is preparing for the digital developments of the future: Digital Strategy of Coca-Cola in Germany.
“We are delighted by our long-term cooperation with Coca-Cola in the fields of social media and digital strategy.”
“The agency team is perfectly aware of the current Social Media trends. We rely on this within our digital strategy projects.”